1.Health and Safety
In order that we maintain appropriate standards of health and safety, you are responsible for disclosing any prior medical or physical conditions on this form and also to the teacher before the class starts. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the course please consult your doctor. You expressly acknowledge that engagement in dance under the care and supervision of SDF Production International Limited in the course of tuition or as a matter of free form dance in social dance engagement, is a physical activity of medium to high aerobic demand and that engagement in dance may occasion falls, sprains or twisted ligaments, respiratory or cardiovascular stress (in persons with respiratory or cardiovascular disabilities). The participant (or parent/guardian) covenants with SDF Production International Limited that the participant has sought all appropriate medical advice prior to the dance course to ensure the participant (or parent/guardian) is in good physical condition fully able to undertake the aerobic demands of dance (including without limitation fast tempo dance) at the date hereof and further, the participant (or parent/guardian) accepts and assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or adverse consequence suffered by the participant (or parent/guardian) as a result of engaging in dance and indemnifies SDF Production International Limited in respect of any claim by or through the participant (or parent/guardian) in the event of injury to or demise of the participant (or parent/guardian) as a consequence of engaging in dance class hosted in SDF Production Limited, excluding only loss or damage suffered as a direct consequence of negligent breach of duty of care by SDF Production International Limited. For participant under 18 year olds, parent/guardian is solely responsible for the supervision and safety at SDF Production International Limited's premises. The participant (or parent/guardian) acknowledges that some physical contact may be necessary by the course instructor.
SDF Production International Limited does not accept liability for personal injury or death of any participant (or parent/guardian) in SDF Production International Limited's location unless directly caused by the proven negligence of the company or its staff.
3. Exclusions and Withdrawals
If a participant is persistently disruptive, have infectious disease or with any symptoms of one (such as high temperature, cough, runny nose, fever or rash), or if we feel their attendance affects the good atmosphere of the course, we have the right to exclude them from the class.
4. Class Fees & Refunds
Class fees are based on the number of sessions for each dance course. participant has to pay the total fees of the dance course in advance (at least 7 days in advance) in order to secure his or her spots. Spots are first come first serve. So please settle the payments as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. SDF Production International Limited only accept payment by PayMe, cash, cheque or bank transfer. Please write cheque payable to “SDF Production International Limited” and the full name of the participant at the back of the cheque. For bank transfer, please ensure you send the bank advice to SDF Production International Limited via WhatsApp or email once the payment is made. Class fees are non-refundable nor transferable under any circumstances including non-controllable events like wars, civil riots, acts of terrorism, epidemics, acts of nature, fires, strikes, government restriction or other circumstances beyond SDF Production International Limited’s control. We have the right to refrain participant from enjoying our service and our classes if payment is not settled or informed.
5.Bad Weather Policy
In the interest of the participant’s safety, SDF Production International Limited reserves the right to cancel classes when a venue is deemed dangerous due to inclement weather.
When Amber & Red Rainstorm/ Typhoon No. 1 or 3 warning signals are issued, all classes operate as usual.
When Black Rainstorm/Typhoon No. 8 or above warning signals are issued:
(i) on/after 7:30am, all classes that begin between 9:00am to 12:00pm will be cancelled.
(ii) on/after 10:00am, all classes that begin between 12:00pm to 6:00pm will be cancelled.
(iii) on/after 4:00pm, all classes that begin between 6:00pm to 9:00pm will be cancelled.
(iv) during class, the class shall continue. All classes afterward will be cancelled.
No refund when classes are cancelled due to bad weather.
6.Photography and Other Media
SDF Production International Limited reserves the right to use photographs/video taken in-class for marketing and promotional purposes. For participant/parents/guardians, photos and videos taken can only be for personal use. For parents/guardians, photos and videos taken can only focus on their own child, but not on the other children. SDF Production International Limited reserves the right to stop participant/parents/guardians from taking the photo/video when disruption to class occurs inside/outside the studio.
Policies and Information set out are subject to change without prior written notice from SDF Production International Limited. It is the participant (or parent/guardian) responsibility to check on the Policies and Information of SDF Production International Limited from time to time, the latest policies and Information will be on our website.
SDF Production International Limited will make every effort to ensure courses are run as planned (with the same schedule, venue). However, SDF Production International Limited reserves the right to cancel, reschedule any courses or change of venue if necessary. We retain the right of final decisions and interpretation in all matters and disputes in relation to the registration and programs. We shall not be responsible or liable for any claims or liability resulting from the registration, classes or programs suffered or incurred.